Monday, November 1, 2010

Wow where do I start?

I haven't logged on in a long time.

But that's okay, I was having my ups and downs like what people said about life in stories: Life is just one big roller coaster.

Life's hard m'kay?


I have been spending most of my time trying to get better at art by going to deviant art!


I have an account there but I am waiting to get a Wacom pen tablet!

Oh...lookat the's 7:49 I have other stuff I wanted to do before I have to log out so bye! Sorry so sudden!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Twitter or not to twitter?

Ununununununununium from devart and is going to twitter stuff that I like ta HEAR! and is very funny and I was thinking about twitter, not sure what it is but is twitter instant messaging? hmmm

p.s. I'm on Banjo-Kazooie crack again! :p

Saturday, July 10, 2010

OMG!!!! The Coolest comic EVER!!!

Description from TV Tropes:

"In 2004, a fanartist named Vinson Ngo (a.k.a Bleedman) somehow got it into his head to draw a Manga-styled Massive Multiplayer Crossover with every popular cartoon he could think of (recent and past) and blend them all together for a FanWebcomic centered around the three superhero tykes known as the Powerpuff Girls.

The result was Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi (also known as Powerpuff Girls D) which combines the characters universes of Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon as well as a few other outside sources and original material, and places them in a town called Megaville,a neighboring city of Townsville in this universe, where malevolent forces are poised to attack.

Be warned, though: Blood, death and sexual themes are heavily featured, placing the characters in situations one wouldn't normally see them in. The story itself is something of a Round Robin, heavily based on fan-input.

Gained a massive following on DeviantArt (see Ngo's profile page) and won 2005's Web Cartoonist's Choice Awards for Outstanding Character Art and Outstanding Superhero Comic. Around 2007, Ngo moved the comic from DA to Snafu-Comics Updates are sporadic, due to Ngo working on his other comics, crossover fancomic Grim Tales from Down Below and original series Sugar Bits. He also took on another Snafu member's project, Invader Zim: Manifest Doom. He's a busy man.

If all of the above sounds interesting, then by all means, give it a read."

I keep dying every time I was a character that I used to watch on TV in the 90's and some about 5 years ago!

Oooooo! and if you don't know some of the characters that appear here is a character sheet that I copy and pasted here from TV Tropes as well...



Leader of the PPG. A bit more reserved in this version then in the TV series and hasn't done too much in the plot as of late. Has started a relationship with Dexter, though so far its just friendly.

•Action Girl
•Cat Fight: Against Bell
•Cute Bruiser
•Distressed Damsel
•Heroes Want Red Heads: Ironic that she a redhead herself.
•Kame Hame Hadoken
•Not Quite Dead: Nearly bites it but Deedee pulls some strings so can stay alive.
•Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty: Uses GIR as shield during her fight against Bell.
•Use Your Head: Tries to while trapped in the Drowning Pit. Didn't work.


The perky blond of the trio. Her character in this version hasn't changed much from her TV version though she hasn't done as much either. The recent arc seem to try to change that.

•Action Girl
•Cute Bruiser
•Distressed Damsel: For a little bit when Mojo's monster ambushes her.
•Friend To All Living Things: Gets along quite well with Courage.


The rough brunette of the trio. Much more aggressive then ever in this version, itching for a fight the first chance she gets. Also has a schoolgirl crush on her gym teacher, Jack-sensei.

•Action Girl: Was there any doubt?
•Chaotic Good
•Cute Bruiser
•Hot For Teacher
•Large Ham: LET THE HAM GO!

Boy Genius of Dexters Laboratory. Still the same science hero as ever though thankfully not as arrogant as his TV incarnation. Tests the girls' fighting skills on their first day at Megaville then becomes friends with Blossom afterward. However while normal on the surface, he haunted by the death of his sister Deedee whom he lost during a firefight against Mandark. Currently trying to rebuild her as a android.

•Heroes Want Redheads: And yet he a redhead himself
•Heroic BSOD: Twice
•Science Hero
•Shut Up Hannibal: To Mandark.

Dee Dee

Dexter's sister Killed during firefight between Dexter and Mandark trying to protect the former. Her death had huge impact on both boys that turned their rivalry for the worst. Appear later as an angel when Blossom nearly drowns and helps her back to the mortal plane, but not before informing Blossom to tell her brother she coming back.

•Ascend To A Higher Plane Of Existence: Now an Angel
•Dead Big Sister
•Slipknot Ponytail: Bleedman seems to like drawing her with her hair down.
•Taking the Bullet
•We Can Rebuild Him: What Dexter's trying to do, though Dee Dee doesn't want that.


Yes that Jack. The gym teacher at the school the characters attend, as well as a resident there. (He lives in a dojo not far from the school). Jack teaches the kids basic defense while trying to keep law and order around the school such as he did during the PPGS and Dexter's fight. Because of his kind nature, he has quite a fanclub of the school's female populace (Buttercup included). There also rumors he actually a real samurai, and his skill certainly shows it during one particular fight. Though nothing the character have been able to prove yet Though we know better ;P. Also the current owner of Courage.

•Big Damn Heroes: Mojo Jojo's newest monster has Bubbles and Buttercup on the ropes and Blossom's about to jump in the fray when Dexter stops her, declaring that "help is on its way". Cue Samurai Jack
•Bad Ass Teacher: As well as...
◦Cool Teacher: Well the girls of the school certainly think so.
◦Stern Teacher: Natch
•Everythings Better With Samurai: Yet the characters in this universe don't know he really is one...yet


From Time Squad. Another one of the students at the school and also a friend of Dexters. In this version he an accomplished Time Ranger with the power (or rather equipment) to travel through time. It was he who shows Blossom Dexter's past to help her understand more about him. Later he acts as a messenger for Blossom's kidnapping and joins in on the rescue mission.

•She Is Not My Girlfriend
•Time Master
•Time Police
•Unlucky Childhood Friend


The big loveable buffoon of Megas XLR. Comes to Dexter's aid to help rescue Blossom, holding off Samantha and her mecha while Dexter deals with Mandark. Before that, he loaned Dexter Megas for an unknown reasons.

•And This Is For: One of his trademarks of course
•Big Eater Which doesn't end well for him in another comic set in the same universe.
•Humongous Mecha (Megas)
•Large Ham: When isn't he?
Villains Darkstar Council

Main villains of the story headed by Dr. X. A mishmash of villains bent on, what else, taking over the world (OF COURSE!) starting with Megaville.

Dr. X

The main villain of the story. A mysterious faceless flaming headed figure who has his sights on the PPG. Why is anyone guess, the only thing known about his is that he want the Earth as his own and is gathering all manner of villains to accomplish it.

•Big Bad
•Man Behind The Man: He pretty much the cause of all the evil actions in the series.
•Manipulative Bastard
•Villains Out Shopping: When he not plotting.


Dr.X's daughter (?) and supposedly a Powerpuff Girl. One of the strongest fighters in the DSC managing to give Blossom a hard time during their fight. Has also formed quite an attachment to Mandark and GIR.

•Action Girl
•Berserk Button: Losing comrades or even trying to touch GIR.
•Cat Fight: Against Blossom
•Cute Bruiser
•Calling The Old Man Out: After Mandark's death.
•Daddys Little Villain
•Ensemble Darkhorse: Quite the fan favorite.
•White Haired Pretty Girl


Dexter's bitter rival in all things science. During one of their usual scuffles, one of his Jackbots manages to get a clean shot on Dexter. Dee Dee however jumped in the line of fire to save him at the cost of her own life. This death hit Mandark hard just as it did Dexter. However some manipulation by Mr. X (with a little help from Bell acting as an "angel") convinced him Dexter was at fault and he plotted to kill Dexter for it. Doing so by kidnapping his his current love interest, Blossom. Indeed Dexter comes calling and the two fight it out once more. However after Blossom is saved, Mandark goes off the deep end and triggers the self destruct of his base. Too emotionally shattered to escape, he presumably dies in the explosion.

•Big Damn Villains: His interruption of Blossom and Bell's fight.
•Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: Dexter slaps him during his rant.
•Load Bearing Boss
•My God What Have I Done
•Never Found The Body: Its assumed he died, but only his glasses were found in the wreckage.
•Rival Turned Eviler
•Jumping Off The Slippery Slope: Practically rushes headlong off it.
•Villainous Breakdown: His whole vendetta against Dexter is this due to Dee Dee's death which was his fault. He just didn't want to take the responsibility. Has a much more massive one during his fight with Dexter.


Everyone favorite Irken Invader under the employ of Dr. X. Well not so much employed as just X's problem in exchange for the Tallest's assistance in his plans. As usual Zim thinks he runs things but Dr. X is very quick to shoot him down. Zim acts as the janitor to Dr. X base of operations much to his chagrin. Though Dr. X promised Zim he'll get his shot at the PPG. Whether he was humoring him or actually intends to keep his word remains to be seen.

•Big Bad Wannabe: If only he had the brains for it.
•Butt Monkey: Dr. X just loves to humiliate him.
•No Indoor Voice: He Zim, what do you expect?
•You Get Me Coffee


Zim's assistant robot. Silly and nonsensical as always, Bell takes a liking to him and the two are usually seen together when the story focuses on her.

•Ridiculously Cute Critter: Mostly seen in his dog costume.
•Team Pet: To Bell.


Whose this you ask? Why she Sam from Medabots. Yeah the resident bully from that series is part of Dr. X group, presumably the only human of the bunch. Why she joined up with Dr. X is anyone guess (though the mark on her forehead may be a clue). Assists Mandark during his battle against Dexter by taking on Coop and Megas with her own mecha. She has the upper hand till Buttercup appears and knocks out one of her teeth. As you can imagine, she declares bloody murder on the green PPG for this before being forced to retreat. One of her arms is also robotic for some reason and she wishes her whole body was as such.

•Arch Enemy: Declares she is to Buttercup after their first meeting.
•Artificial Limbs: Her right arm.
•Berserk Button: Didn't take getting her tooth knocked out well.
•Humongous Mecha
•Shut Up Hannibal: A villain example, as Coop is doing one of his trademarks rants. She smashes an arm through his windshield and pulls him through.

Mojo Jojo

The Powerpuff Girls major arch enemy. Despite the fact the girls moved to Megaville, his obsession with destroying them has lead Mojo to follow them to the city. After his initial attempt on their first day of school failed. Mojo was shanghaied by Bell and brought to Dr. X where he was offered a place in the Dark Star Council. Where he fits into Dr. X's plan remains to be seen as of yet.


A cute but timid little dog under the care of Jack. Was left with Jack when his former caretaker came to Jack's doorstep one night and asked him to look after Courage. Becomes fast friends with Bubbles (since she like cute things), even moreso after he helps rescues her from Mojo's monster. Is currently on assignment by Jack, tailing Buttercup to make sure she keeps out of trouble... with limited success.

•Big Damn Heroes: Alongside Jack
•Team Pet: Mostly with Bubbles.

Rowdyruff Boys

Brick, Boomer, and Butch. The evil male counterparts to the PPG. Least they were, now they're part of a secret government project called "Project: Rowdy". The boys' resurrection isn't based on the canon resurrection by Him, but on a fan idea contributed by a deviantart member *

the fan in question is credited by Bleedman in his comments below this page of the comic

(By the time they showed up in the comic, the RRB hadn't reappeared on the TV show yet). In this version, . Boomer is a tad more innocent and Butch is absolutely cocky. Brick and Butch apparently want payback on the PPG for their last defeat. Boomer though, not so much.

•Failure Knight: The reason Brick is cooperating with the project is to get stronger, as he finds their defeat from the PPG kissing them humiliating.
•Kick Them While They Are Down: Butch would've blasted Jenny to bits if Brick hadn't stopped him.
•Love Redeems: Things appear to be moving in that direction with Boomer, given his reaction to the memory of Bubbles' kiss.
•Rapunzel Hair: Brick. It's not explained how he got it, though.
•Smug Snake: Butch.
•TykeBombs: What they're being trained for apparently.


The robotic hero of My Life As A Teenage Robot. Also part of the project to help the RRBS train. Their last simulation resulted badly for her and the loss of an arm. Is currently being repaired as a result.

•Action Girl
•Robot Girl

Dr. Wakeman

Jenny's "mother" (well she did build her), also part of the project. Disapproves of the extreme methods of RRBS (particularly Butch) during the simulation. And is not afraid to talk down to them despite their powers. Currently repairing Jenny.

•Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Well not all that much, but having one defend you after losing a battle and an arm can't be pleasant.
•Mama Bear


He who is the taker of the well as The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. Just a supernatural entity trying to do his job. But has to put up with a lot of complications (as if he didn't have enough to deal with already.) His story in this universe is expanded more in Grim Tales From Down Below.

•Dead Baby Comedy: Just tell me that this isn't.
•Grim Reaper

Olga Astronomonov a.k.a Lalavava

Mandark's sister. Recently enrolled at the school and has her eye out for Dexter and the PPGS. The fact she came after the battle against Mandark can't be coincidence.

•The Stoic: Not to the extent of Mandy but still...


Better known as Atomic Betty. Stars in a side-story called The Forgotten in which she and her crew where unlucky enough to come across a ship occupied by the Cluster. The outcome of the mission wasen't pretty.

•BreakTheCutie: Boy howdy
•Dramatic Space Drifting: And yet somehow she barely survives.
•Everybodys Dead Dave: Sparky and X-5 don't make it
•Sole Survivor"

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I love NinitendoCapriSun, "So Happy!"

"It is something that grows over time... a true fart. A feeling in the butt that becomes even stronger over. The passing of gas will soon smell into a righteous fart and through it you will know which way to hold your nose. This song is dedicated to the power of the fart. Listen to the Bolero of Farting..." Wait a minute... that means that the Fire Temple is the Fart Temple

LOL he is so immature but so funny!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Personality Disorder Test


-- Personality Disorder Test --
-- Personality Disorder Information --

Thanks this what I soooo want to hear...Then again I did it myself...DAMN YOU TEST FOR BEING RIGHT!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Oooooo a family member on blogger!

A coz of mine (I won't mention names) I just making her new blog! Just look at it if you get the chance. Who knows? It might be interesting.

I'm doin nothing rieght now really, just reading troper tales on the topic of "High Octain NightmareFuel."

Oops got off topic, well that's all for now, just wanted to let you know.

(Goes back to reading)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Woo, San Jose is so butt.

Gosh, I love my family to death an' all but I just don't fit in ANYWHERE. I kinda made an effort to socialize but everybody is just too cool. The cousins I mainly want to hang out with are already old and out of high school while I am still only a sophmore. Why can't I befriend them? For one is that I AM HORRIBLE AT MAKING FRIENDS! I only was able to make a frined with the help of others, like when I got my first ever friend, was by the help of a teacher seeing how alone I was, then I got more friends through my Old Original friend. Anyways, as I am typing this, my little cousin, named Casandra is playing with my extremely expensive DSi XL. Why am I doing this, when clearly her older sister said that she lost her game so she can't play it anymore? To be nice cuz a couple of times before I was too mean protecting my stuff and her older sister got irritaded at me especially my mom. God dang it, I don't fit in here. My mother is just gushing at how happy she is to be with her family, and I miserable because all of my cousins barely know me so they kinda reject me from all disscusions and THEY ARE ALL IN LOVE WITH SOCCER! Extremely depressing for me as I am the only one in the family who despises it. I soooo can't wait to live here!!!!!!!!!!! Bull poop. God the things I do for my mother, I love her just as much as I love Jesus, and THAT'S saying something. All I got to make me happy at he moment is to play videogames and I Look like a complete idiot as all of my cousins are praised for their acheviements and all while I have no clue what job I want to work as a living and all of them knowing exactly what they want to do!

I hate and love my family. What to do, what to do...

Edit: uuuuh hiiiii coz, hehe he -_-'

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

We all love link!

Skip to 7:00!

Hahaha Don't go gay on us NintendoCapriSun! Link is just too hot to resist!



Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hahahahahaha No wai! Nice Harvest Moon shout out.

"Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility features a pair of carpenter's apprentices named Bo and Luke, who even share hair colors with their counterparts from The Dukes Of Hazzard (Bo's got blond hair and Luke's a brunette). Their personalities are inverted, though: Luke's the impulsive apprentice, and Bo's the rational one."

Now I have to see that movie....


Sunday, June 27, 2010

We got some Pokemon Gossip!

"Mars is Silver's older sister, and Ariana is their mother.

Mars ^

Silver ^

Ariana ^

Coincidence? I think not.

Holy Crap...Also, to combine this with the previous theory, Roark could be Silver's half-brother."

I think this would be pretty possible as they all look alike, and that Silver is indeed GIOVANNI'S SON and with the other theory with Roark {Sinnoh Gym Leader} might possibly be a half brother to Silver. Now if this is true then, Ariana first had an affair with Roark's Father Bryon {ANOTHER Sinnoh Gym leader} but then left him, and went to Giovannni and became a Team Rocket family!

Dang, what gossip hehe

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Haha, I like LPs! (Let's play!)

I'm just going to cut to the chase and tell you that a "Let's Play!" is a commentary walkthough video of a video game! I love watching people play video games that I played before, and I happen to come across this one LP'er named, "NintendoCapriSun." He is so funny, his humor is very likable and he has a couple of catchphrases for example, "So happy" or "Get some more toilet paper!" or "IN THE BATHROOM" are they funny? It's just the way that he says it.

I happen to be watching an LP of his on "The Legend of ZELDA: Twilight Princess" and this one part of the video made me "LOL." You can see for yourself, just skip to 7:44!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

AWW T_T Poor Gary

To read this you have to click this picture and enlarge

Try reading this.

Ashley: Did you know that Pippa is up the duff?
Jack: You're kidding!
Ashley: No; she was talking to her mother about it. And what's more, the father is Peck — you know, in Uniform with the pockmarked face and the twin over in the Palmer Park?
Mary: What's going on?
Ashley: Pippa's pregnant by Peck.
Mary: Pippa Piper picked Peck over Pickle or Pepper? Which of the Peck pair did Pippa Piper pick?
Ashley: Peter "pockmarked" Peck of Palmer Park. He was the Peck that Pippa Piper Picked.
Mary: No, no, you've got it all wrong. Paul Peck is the Palmer Park Peck; Peter Peck is the pockmarked Peck from Pembroke Park. Pillocks. I'd placed a pound on Pippa Piper picking PC Percy Proctor from Pocklington.
Jack: It seems a very laborious set-up for a pretty lame joke, doesn't it?
Mary: Yes. I really don't know how he gets away with it.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

People's Crowning Moments of Funny!

•This troper asked his friend, an avid hiker if he ever got blisters on his feet. His response? "Hell no. Y'know why? I got Dr-Motherfucking-Scholls in these bitches. They're all rubber and shit, and they last like months. Shit, it's like walking on puffy clouds made of ice cream and orgasms when you got these things plastered in between your toes."

•So, 9th grade Speech class, we're playing Charades for some reason, except you can only do movie names. It's boys vs. girls. While discussing names, someone brings up Hancock. We laugh quietly and then we actually realize how hilarious it would be, so we put it as one of our names. The first name the girl got? Hancock. We saw her face when she read it, and when she symboled two syllables there were high-5s all around. She gives in and for the second syllable points at a boy, then at the 'area'. The boys side of the room just bursts out in laughter. We lost horribly, but it was damn worth it!

•I had recently been having a huge urge to re-watch Mulan, and after doing so had had all three musical numbers stuck in my head. During dinner I pointed this out, which led to a brief discussion (already typed it out five times today so I'm leaving you in the dark) involving Hugh Jackman, at which mom said "he's cute." Unfortunately, this broke my concentration, and I said "Great, you had to mention cuteness and now I'm thinking about that one guy who spent a good chunk of the movie shirtless." which was the truth, except the Shirtless Scene was only a few minutes. I was talking about Shang at the time, damn you my teenage hormones.... Anyway, dad said "he's a cartoon character" and trailing off with my head sinking into my hands, I muttered "Just because he's a cartoon character doesn't mean he can't be hot..."

•This guy in my history class was being a real asshole. The bell rang, and he decided to continue being an asshole as I trailed behind him in the hallway. Sleep-deprived, a little bit loopy and therefore in no mood to grin and bear it, I tossed my stuff on the ground and yelled at the top of my lungs, "TESTICLE ATTACK NUMBER FORTY-NIIIIIIIINE!" while running headfirst at his midsection like a charging ram. He started to run backwards (rather than dodging sideways) and toppled down a flight of stairs before I could nail him. Cue a stairwell full of ensuing hilarity as the guy rolls into a very suprised and eventually pissed-off teacher

•During one of this troper's school plays last year, towards the end of the show, one of the characters said "Looks like once again, Smolder couldn't finish what he started." Cutting her off before she could finish the line, one of the technical crew—from the very back of the theater—calls out "That's what she said!" Cue the entire theater, all the actors offstage, and the actors ON stage laughing uproarously for at least five minutes.

•In my social studies class, someone mentioned seeing a news article about another teacher/student affair, and my teacher said something to the effect of "There's been a lot of those lately". In a totally deadpan tone I said "They must be in season", eliciting major laughs even from my stone-faced ex-CIA agent social studies teacher.

•This troper logged onto MSN after a hard day. My friend opened with a traditional greeting:
Friend: Penis.
Me: A million dollars.
Friend: What?
Me: Sorry, I thought we were talking about things we didn't have.

•This just happened to this Troper: He, his brother, and his sister were all eating some fast food. Sister was very angry at both of her brothers, and they kept taunting her until she burst out: "YOU GUYS JUST WANT TO TAUNT ME UNTIL I DIE AND YOU CAN TAKE MY FRIES!" This Troper and his brother started laughing uncontrollably.

•In eighth grade, this troper was a massive Backstreet Boys fan. One day, in homeroom, a boy started singing part of "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)", and when he got to the "am I sexual?" part, Troper sang back, in perfect key, "Helllll no." Cue the laughter of a classroom full of thirteen year olds, including the guy who was singing in question.

•This troper was once playing The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess with his little sister watching. During the wolf segment near the beginning of the game, I talked to one of the chickens in Ordon which my sister raised an eyebrow.
Sister: Wait...was the chicken just flirting with you?
(Awkward pause.)
This Troper: Link gets all the chicks.

◦When he was much younger, he was playing Super Mario 64 and came upon the courtyard where all the ghosts were floating around. In a loud voice he proclaimed, "LOOK AT ALL THE BOOS!" Which everyone within earshot mistook as "LOOK AT ALL THE BOOZE!"

•This troper was playing Super Smash Brothers with some guys in his college dorm, and threw a pokeball with a Moltres in it. This exchange occurred between two of the other players.
Zack: What the heck is that thing?
Andy: Touch it. It'll give you special powers.
*Jumps into the Moltres. Instant death.*
Zack: You bastard!

◦Same thing happened to this troper's sister in San Andreas:
This troper: Press Y, something cool will happen.
Sister: You just want me to kill myself.
This troper: No, why the hell would they put a suicide button in the game?
*Y button. Mile-high fall from military helicopter.*
Sister: I hate you.

◦Last, I was playing Super Smash Bros with my uncle. I was playing as Kirby, and used the swallow attack. He shouted "You ATE me! You bum!"

•This troper has a classmate who does not do so well under pressure.
Teacher: So, what can you tell me about this picture of the Founding Fathers? Student, can you tell us anything?
Student: (panicking) Uhhh...they're all wearing man-tights!

◦Which reminds me...
Student: "The Cold War was so called because, uuuh, it was very cold..."
Class: *everyone straights up, horrified*
Teacher: "It was a... weather thing...?"
Class: *Frantically shaking their heads*
Student: "...Yes?"
Class: *Collective facepalm*

•This editor managed one in Winter '07. My brother was in bed, and then, I slipped on a hideous mask and jumped out at him. Then, we were laughing about it the next day, and this happened.
Brother: So, when you jumped out with the mask, I was just like— (absolutely horrified) WAAAARRGGGHHHH!!!!!
Me: Hey, that was pretty good!
Brother: No, look over there! (points to the frozen pool, where I see that my puppy Daisy is walking on the ice!)

•This troper's middle brother has his moments.
Over dinner, age 10: "Dad, what's the difference in between a Protestant and a Prostitute?"
Then, age 12, he runs into the oldest brother's room with a mop, a hefty fellow who was laying on his stomach on his bed at the time. Middle brandishes the mop like a harpoon and howls: "BLOW ME DOWN, IT'S MOBY DICK!"

•This troper's own laughter inspires CMO Fs. There was one time back in high school when I was riding home on the bus. It was a foggy day so people were writing in the mist on the windows. The bus driver randomly yelled, "If you are writing in the fog on the windows, I WILL BE CHECKING FOR SPELLING!" This troper giggled. A small pause... then the rest of the bus burst into laughter

•At the beginning of the Twilight DVD (no, not that one; this one is from the year 1998) my mom was watching, while I was on the computer nearby and not paying much attention to anything else:
Mom: Hey, Reese Witherspoon's naked.
Me: (deadpan and very much female) Yeah, she's naked. Call me when there's a naked man

◦We were discussing Moby Dick after having had it assigned to us over the summer, and our teacher happened to ask what it was that Ishmael had lost after the crew had killed their first whale. The answer was fear, but we weren't very good at guessing and the answers just got sillier and sillier, until finally one of my classmates said (very loudly) "HIS PANTS!" The class never quite back under control after that...

◦Just last week he was gushing over an introduction paragraph someone had written for an essay. This teacher has a very specific format he likes us to use: starting with a broad idea and narrowing it down to the specific point(s) of the essay. One of the more...special...people in another class has named this diagram "The Underpants Diagram", because, well, that's how it tends to look when he diagrams it on the board. So, when said teacher was talking about this introduction paragraph, he said (rather loudly and with much random emphasis) "It's PERFECT! It starts up at the band, and goes down to the crotch! [Student], YOUR UNDERPANTS ARE PERFECT!!!" Did I mention the walls of our school are very thin, so everyone in the adjoining classroom likely heard all of this?

•This troper's brother was listening to a Backstreet Boy song on said troper's computer when this memorable conversation took place.
Me: Hey, change to metal or something.
Brother: *ignores*
Me: Geez, people would think you're girlier than I am.
Brother: Oh yeah? Well, you're manlier than I am—WAIT A MINUTE.


haha! Pokemon just messes with you on "relationship."

•One episode preview for Pokemon threw up a storm in the shipping fandom by focusing almost entirely on a romantic scene between Tracey and Misty, despite the latter's long-established crush on the protagonist. As it happened, the whole scene was just made up by one of Misty's sisters who thought that Tracey would made a handsome prince for her upcoming water ballet.
◦Then they did it again in the preview for the next episode both
characters appeared in. This time was a blushing scene that turned out to just be over a photograph of the whole group in Team Rocket's latest scheme. It didn't help that Misty was holding her new baby Pokemon that she had received from Tracey.
◦While many of Pokemon's pairings are full of shiptease, Appealshipping (Zoey/Dawn) takes the cake. Their scenes together are just tinged with touchy-feely-blushy moments.
◦How about the time Team Rocket teased Ash and Misty on their airship? No? I'll shut up.
◦Speaking of Team Rocket, Jessie and James are a total shiptease. Especially in the episode Training Daze where James falls awkwardly on top of Jessie and makes her blush◊.
◦May and Drew have their moments. Plenty of them. Including one scene where he hands her a rose after she wins a Contest... before saying that the rose is for May's Beautifly, not her. Mean? Yes. Complete ship tease? Also yes.
◦Ash/May has had a lot of Ship Tease, too. Pokemon Ranger and The Temple Of The Sea is one of the Advanceshippers' favorites for obvious reasons.
Back in the early days, there was Ash/Misty teasing going on since about the eighth episode. One of the most prominent examples is when the end of summer festival episode (the Maiden of the Rock to be precise). Ash sees Misty in a kimono, with her hair down, and his reaction could not have been more Shoujo...
◦In general there as been a lot of ship teasing of Ash and either May, Misty, or Dawn. People tend to forget that over the years, Ash has become more and more of a Chaste Hero so in Ship teasing is just that, teasing.



Haha! Read this from TV Tropes about Banjo-Kazooie!

"Think about it for a second. Grunty kidnapped Banjo's sister; did she really think he wouldn't come after her? She forces him to undertake a huge, dangerous quest and fight for his very survival, sending minion after minion to attack him relentlessly, all the while threatening him with bodily harm and outright demanding that he come up and face her, all because he's being a good big brother. Then, in the final fight that she herself pretty much begged for, it's not even Banjo and Kazooie who deliver the finishing blow, it's the Jinjonator who takes her down. And she doesn't even die! And for THAT, she murders Bottles, burns down Banjo's house, wipes out an entire Jinjo population (literally, to the point of extinction), and terrorizes the whole Isle o' Hags? I mean, yeah, she's an evil witch, but still... holy crap."


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Woot! New story coming up!

My buddy and I are going to make a POKEMON story, that we travel around the regions of the poke-world and fight all of the evil bad guys of Team rocket, Team Galactic and so on, along with our two most hated rivals Lanna & Sabrina (no not the gym leader Sabrina, well maybe that's an idea...). But that's not all! we also go into the parts of the secret lives of ALL our pokemon in our adventure! Which will be more fun! *wink*...yeah I dunno it's still way early in the works...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Yae! New Story coming up!

My buddy Emblem99 and I are going to make a pokemanz story about us, buddies we meeet and join our adventure, and the lives of our pokemon! Still in the works and you go get, "so excited, that you just can't hide it!"

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Look at how I look in Free Realms!

Curious at how I look in the Realms? Check it!

Me on a normal day in Free Realms and not looking like a total whore like most chicks there.

Me when I go to Seaside, to look all tropical and stuff. You woudl do it too if you had the clothes to do it!

Ninja! Eek! My fave! All green man!

ARCHER! Reeally high tech bow too!

As a Wizard or witch, Wa'cha! and all green!

Hahaha! Me as a Combat Medic! CLEAR!

As a Warrior! I WILL KILLZ U!

As a Demo Derby Driver! Can be very irritating at times...

Me as a Kart Driver!

haha! Me as a fisherwoman!

Me as a mailman! or mailwoman.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Amazing Pokemon picture!

Just utter perfection and epic-ness!

...I am speechless...

My thoughts on Giratina!

Soo cute! am I right? Giratina has this innocent look on it's face that makes it look just ADORABLE!

..but I also noticed that looking at the black and red tipped "wings" make it resemble a...spider, eew.

OH WHO CARES! That pokemon is just too cute!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

That Guy With The Glasses!

This is a website of people that criticize stuff, But my personal favorites are:
Nostalgic Critic: He reviews old movies and talks about stuff sometimes that is mentioned by commenters

Nostalgic Chic: God, she is funny too! She also reviews movies but for girls.

Love these guys, good substitute for TV.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hey wanna know what kind of music I like?

I've been compiling this list of songs that I like from where ever I hear on the radio or just a recommendation from my friends, so here is the list, Warning: List is very long! :

-I Still Haven't Found What I'm looking For
-Before He Cheats
-Chasing Cars
-Great DJ
-I Gotta Feeling
-Make This Go On Forever
-Set The Fire To The Third Bar
-Shut Up and Let Me Go
-That's Not My Name
-Crocodile rock
-Don't Stop Believin'
-Stand By Me
-Your song
-El Bodeguero
-Manic Monday
-My Life
-It's Still Rock and Roll To Me
-Pina Colada
-It's too late
-Ain't no mountain high enough
-Silly Love Songs
-Young turks (Rod Stewart)
-Pure Imagination

Interesting, hm?

hehe, uh hi...agaaain.

Sorry, been gone for a loong time ya know, just being busy...on my laptop...playing Free Realms instead of blogging, assuring you that I was still alive...yeah...but! I was still sick and still am, a lot better but still sick. When I eat I get this burning feeling in my stomach and I get this "tide" nausea which comes in strong then goes away. And I have acid reflux...yippee...

But I got news! Bought cool looking stuff to show off, and holy hell is Demo Derby addicting! I just can't stop wreaking karts and Ace O Mally is right, the meanest looking karts win! AND I HATE THOSE COMP. DIVERS! THEY JUST DESTROY ME IN ONE SWOOSH AND BAM I LOSE. No fair. While I just push and just make this much damage: |-|

Yeah so most of my life is with that game, can't blame me since my life isn't full of drama, quiet peaceful. My mom's birthday is coming up at June 13! CELEBRATE IT or "I WILL FIND YOU AND EAT YOUR FIRST BORN CHILD!!!!"... Hahahaha you just really have to watch that video, so funny. (I might post it if it is not already on...)

Monday, May 10, 2010


I'm back, AGAIN I've been gone. I beat cancer (not really just the horrible plague in the house) and I have been complete adict to:

...I hate that Treeble, I just want to kill him, JK LOL! Still he is annoying.

AAaanyways, so yeah, I've competely been spending most of my time playing this game, I even became a MEMBER, ya know the kind that you have to pay? Yeah and I even bought extra for new faster karts, rides, pets, and pet clothes! Became level 20 (this is the highest level possible) at 4 jobs now I'm a medic (still needing a lot of work) made a guild, and join too! It's called, "Briarwood Battle Group", Sexy riight? and made exactly 45 friend on that game all of them I didn't even have to ask to be their friend, they just keep coming! And that's not all! My good buddy, Steven Summerpaw and me went to the meeting place of most people in Seaside ( a region of the Free Realms World) and I saw some guy say to another guy, " I Love You" and the other guy said, "You're nuts", ROFLMGO!!!! I died, even pressed the 'ROFL' button on my character my buddy's just goin 'Yeeeeaaah...'. Oh God it was so funny. Then later on I was with another freind named, "Mischevious" (cool right?) and we were watching this guy give " You're so ugly jokes.." to this girl in pink saying "You're so ugly that, Free Realms PAYED you to delete you're character!" ROFLMGO! HELL! That was funny! GAWD! ....So you can see I'm pretty much having fun playing this game!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Woops sorry!

I've been preoccupied with sickness, school, HOMEWORK, and enjoying life like I use to before I was sick. Kay I'm done. I feel tired of typing this. CANDLE JACK! OH and before I forget I'm hooked on

I KNOW I'M NERD BUT IT'S TOO MUCH FUN!!!! oh no, here he com

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I am screwed

Okay I think I'm getting better, because on Friday I hurled since YEARS ago, and the next 2 days where I was feeling kinda better...then on monday my MOM PUKED!!!!! WHY!? and then myself being emetophobic went outside and tried to eat a Jello on the porch while it was raining and still the day day was nerve wrecking. Then a day later, KYLE (my landlord's little brother) is screaming that he is going to puke (AGAIN after a week ago he was puking too because he had strep throat) and that night dear lord gave me ear plugs to go to sleep. That night was okay but then I woke up at 2 in the morning to hear screaming that he was going to puke and then BANG! he was starting and quickly I began to block my ears and then finally found my ear plugs quickly put them on and then put a pillow over my other ear. Now yesterday I still wasn't feeling any better and my mom worried took me to the docter again to get me checked and there my somacth felt the most calm in days and it was all empty. Doctor gave me a blood test just to see how I was doing, and told me to EAT! That night I went to sleep with my ear plugs just to be extra safe. Okay, so today I ate a small piece of a waffle and then went to sleep, I woke up and feeling confident I made another waffle and poured a good amount of syrup on it and ate it like a taco. Feeling proud and with hope I tested myself by eating nacho lunchable (with out the cheese and candy) and I'm feeling kinda crummy and having second thoughts that it might not have been a good idea ... my mom looks better but I can't stop doubting that she may not actually be okay. And today I'm scared togo home to hear yelling that they are going to vomit and sounds of people vomiting, so I am absolutely terriffed of going to sleep. Just needed to say that to someone else other than my mother. This is the worst spring break in the entire universe!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I have emetophobia! The fear of vomiting! Though not in the extreme case, only other people who look like they are going to puke, and I don't need to be near a bathroom at all times or have the need to have a towel when I go to sleep, poor people, with their extreme phobias... :(

LOL! Love Pokemon! LOL!

hahahahaha! Yeah! Nothin' happened!


I Just got the game HeartGlod and SoulSilver! Got BOTH! Yeah, your jealous, don't deny it! mm-hm!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Creepy Pokemon Poem

Come little children come with me
Safe and happy you will be
Away from you're homes now let us run
With Hypno you'll have so much fun

Oh little children please don't cry
Hypno wouldn't hurt a fly
Be free, be free, be free, to play
Come down in my cave with me to stay

Oh little children please don't squirm
Those ropes I know will hold you firm
Hypno tells you this is true
But sadly Hypno lied to you

Oh little children you musn't leave
Your families for you will grieve
Their minds will unravel at the seams
Allowing me to haunt their dreams

But surely all of you must know
That it is time for you to go
Oh little children you weren't clever
Now you shall stay with me forever.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I'm Gonna have Nightmares Tonight *shudders*

TV Tropes, Nightmare Fuel: Misadventures of Flapjack

Read the entire page of this article, clicking every link, and see the horror of this children's show! This is killing the minds of children! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!


The Scariest Episode in, "Courage the Cowardly Dog" least by somebody's opinion in TV Tropes...

A lesson in Perfection with Courage

This shows the creepiest thing ever on a kids show and the most heart warming thing ever, by the Barracuda, lovely.

The Best Of Cheese!

I was reading TV Tropes on Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, and there was a link on the trope "Crowning Moment Of Funny"
Try watching Cheese's first episode with a straight face! It's Hard! I swear!

Aaaaaand this one for the heck of it!

...yeah...I found a carrot...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wolf Quest!

I just downloaded a FREE game that simulates life as a wolf but the funnest part is hunting in the game, you wanna find me? I'm Kazooie_9 fron the Hanta Pack! Join our hunting excursion!


Sunday, February 21, 2010

TV Tropes!

Welcome To TV Tropes!

What is this about? This wiki is a catalog of the tricks of the trade for writing fiction. We dip into the cauldron of story, whistle up a hearty spoonful and splosh it in front of you to devour to your heart's content.

Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole, tropes are not clichés. The word clichéd means "stereotyped and trite." In other words, dull and uninteresting. We are not looking for dull and uninteresting entries. We are here to recognize tropes and play with them, not to make fun of them.

The wiki is called "TV Tropes" because TV is where we started. Over the course of a few years, our scope has crept out to include other media. Tropes transcend television. They exist in life. Since a lot of art, especially the popular arts, does its best to reflect life, tropes are likely to show up everywhere.

We are not Wikipedia. We're a buttload more informal. We encourage breezy language and original thought. There Is No Such Thing As Notability, and no citations are needed. If your entry cannot gather any evidence by the Wiki Magic, it will just wither and die. Until then, though, it will be available through the Main Tropes Index.

This site is a really fun thing to read!

Gunty you Witch!

I just figured out today, that when you lose all your extra live statues, GRUNTY LITERALY ERASES YOUR FILE IN THE GAME!!!!!

I poned this game twelve times and not even in my first try playing the game did I lose, just fall and occasionally die, but the point is..

I Love this gam and you should really play it too.

Your Birthday, with a GOD!

LOL, The Harvest God celebrates your birthday with the funnest background music to go along with it!

Yoshi: Boy or Girl?

I was on TV Tropes, by the way a very fun site to read, reading a trope about characters with gender confusions, and not long ago my friends and were talking about if Yoshi is a bor or girl. This is what I found:

"•Yoshi in Super Mario Bros — "she" laid eggs for crying out loud. It really doesn't help that "Yoshi" is used to refer to either one individual or his entire species.
◦Fan Wank often involves thinking of the "eggs" as more like poop, given the method of their production. Apparently Yoshis learned their combat techniques from monkeys.
Word Of God says male Yoshis lay exploding eggs used for combat, females lay actual eggs, and the Yoshi usually seen with Mario and friends is in fact male.
Conflicting evidence comes from Japanese text from a Super Smash Bros. trophy, claiming that Yoshis all have no gender." (

This is all very confusing! @_@

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Wow, I Love BanjoLand!

In this level they play old N64 Banjo-Kazooie Songs but with an orchestra!

Lovely New BK: N&B Music

Gosh now dosen't this sound awesome, even with a hint of jinjo village!

Best VG Music Goes to...


Funniest Commercial Ever!

I was in YouTube and there was an ad about the top 5 commercials in the super bowl, so immediatly I went to click #1 to find the cutes little boy I have ever seen! What do you think?

Monday, February 15, 2010

I am so jealous!

This Guy makes crazy awesome music of Banjo Kazooie! No Fair! See for youself! I love this song from Banjo Tooie

My Fandoms!

Harvest Moon!


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Welcome to My Fandom!

In this blog I will post whatever my heart desires, and you to view!